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When anglers purchase an Illinois fishing license, they're paying for more than fishing privileges for the year.  They're investing in conservation, education, and economic activity all over the state.

Illinois fishing licenses go on sale tomorrow for the 2025 season.  Fishing license purchases help enhance the outdoor experience for everyone and ensure future generations can enjoy Illinois' vast aquatic resources.

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources division of fisheries is supported by the sale of fishing licenses and associated stamps.  General revenue from Illinois tax dollars does not fund vital fisheries programs, such as research, fisheries management, hatchery operations, invasive species prevention, outreach, and other initiatives.

Additionally, the Sport Fish Restoration Program of 1950, administered by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, distributes funding to states through the federal excise tax on purchases of fishing equipment, motorboat fuel, and outdoor accessories.  The distribution is based on land size and each state's fishing license sales.

Illinois fishing licenses and stamps for 2025 will be available for purchase online and at IDNR license and permit vendor locations beginning tomorrow.  Licenses for the 2024 season do not expire until March 31.  A standard, non-discounted resident fishing license costs only $15.   In Flora, a fishing license can be purchased at Briscoe Surplus Sales, and Wal-Mart, in Louisville they are available at the Zink Building Center and the Clay County Farm Bureau.

All license and stamp fees can be reviewed online.  Anglers 16 and older are required to have a fishing license in Illinois.  Exclusions apply to active-duty military and people with disabilities. Visit for more information about fishing in Illinois.