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The North Wayne Schools are conducting Child Find/Preschool Screenings for children up to 5-years in age, not yet enrolled in public schools and who will not be Kindergarten eligible in the fall.  The screening checks each child’s progress in hearing, vision, speech, language, and coordination skills.  This will give parents a better idea of how their child is progressing at this very young age before he or she begins school.  This screening program is free, and parents will receive immediate feedback on how their child is developing.  Head Start personnel may also be present to explain their program and services.

The Child Find/Preschool Screening will be held at the Johnsonville School on May 5th and 6th from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm.  The screening procedure takes about 45 minutes, and appointments must be made so that children don’t have a long waiting period.  Parents should call 618-673-3044 to make an appointment or to get more information.

The service is a free check of your child’s progress in the development areas, but appointments are needed.  If you live in the North Wayne School District call 618-673-3044 today to make an appointment for your preschooler.