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The North Clay School Board met in Regular session on Wednesday.

Board members approved an amended calendar for the remainder of the school year.  The new last day of school will be Thursday, May 29th.  Also approved was high school graduation on Sunday, May 18th with baccalaureate at 2 pm and graduation at 3 pm.  8th grade promotion will be Monday, May 19th at 6:30pm.  Ceremonies will be held in the new gym.

Superintendent Keith Price updated the board on construction.  Price told board members that progress continues on the new ag classroom and shop.  Progress in the new gym includes the laying of the wood flooring, installation of the scoreboard and video board, sound system and flag.  The project is currently scheduled to be completed sometime during April.

In personnel matters, the North Clay board hired Erika Yates as an elementary teacher for the coming school year; accepted Rich Grubaugh's resignation as head junior high boys basketball coach; and accepted Chris Mellody's intent to retire as of the end of the coming school year.  Kim Travis' resignation as paraprofessional as of the end of the school year; Dustin Smith was approved as a high school volunteer coach; Levi Smith, Kim Robey, Jeremy Gaddy and Leah Goldstein were approved as high school track team volunteers; and administration was authorized to hire non-certified staff as needed.