CLAY CITY SCHOOL BOARD MEETS (2/21/25) pg The Clay City School Board met Thursday night in the
district library with a quorum present to conduct school business. Attending
were Board President Misty Lindeman, Stacy Kessler, Brenda Cailteux and Oliver
Bangert. Absent were members Erin Boyd, Amanda Noll and Mary Jo Patridge. As the meeting was called to order, Misty Lindeman asked if
any of the small group of visitors wanted to make a comment. Jill Lewis and
Olivia Lewis each spoke briefly and asked the board to consider adding
additional sporting activities at Clay City Schools. Lindeman encouraged them
to stick around because they would address their request a little later in the
meeting. The board then approved the meeting agenda and past meeting
minutes. Superintendent John Neubaum went over the district financial report
speaking about problems with the Egyptian Trust. He also talked about how the
E-Rate Grant Program will help with technology expenses such as Wabash
Communications and their vendor for computer products. He briefly mentioned
they might eventually save on their utility purchases, but stated they are
still locked in with the current high prices for another two years. Members
approved the financial report and then moved on. Board President Misty Lindeman called on high school student
Keidra Kuenstler to talk about the proposed senior class trip. Kuenster
explained that the nine seniors plan to travel to Branson, MO May 1-4. They
have 2 sponsors for the seven females and two males who will make the trip.
She briefly went over a few items from their itinerary and how they plan to use
the money they have raised for their trip. The board quickly approved their
request, and offered a couple of suggestions over how the class may spend any
remaining funds. Supt. Neubaum updated the board on district enrollment
figures and the progress of updating the district handbook. Neubaum also
briefly addressed the district effort to secure additional bids for insurance
services. He said with the new process they are using, they’ll likely see
additional companies soliciting the district’s insurance business. In the Principal’s Report, Shelly
Phegley noted that Alyssa Gerard competed at the Regional Poetry Out Loud
Competition in Carbondale. Calin Stockwell won the Clay County Spelling Bee.
Mus Hutton will take Jocelyn Thompson and Calin to compete int eh Regional
Spelling Bee. Clay City High School competed in the ACES competition at Olney
Central College on February 5th. The team placed 4th in
their division with several students placing individually in their categories.
Jaxon Prochazka placed third in engineering graphics. Johnnie Mooney and Mason
Morehead placed 1st and 2nd in computer science,
respectively. Johnnie and Mason advanced to the sectional competition at EIU.
The high school scholastic bowl season is winding down with five meets
remaining including the Masonic Tournament on February 22nd. Junior
High Scholastic Bowl begins next week. Both teams worked the concession stand
to raise money for their teams. Phegley also noted that it is FFA Week. Five
FCCLA members competed at the Section 9 competitions. Jake Farris won a silver
for Creed. Marlee Rawls earned silver for cake decorating. Kendra ? Silver
for Entrepreneurship, Kamryn ? a silver for Interior Design, Taylee ? a bronze
in Early Childhood Education. Brian Wattles went over
elementary achievements this month. Kindergarten students celebrated the 100th
day of school with counting, singing and talking about the number 100. First
graders had a movie party and celebrated Valentine’s Day and are looking
forward to Ag In The Classroom. Second graders are focusing on one minute math
while third grade students are working on their design a zoo challenge. Fourth
graders are busy achieving their goal of making 600 A’s for the quarter while
fifth grade students are learning about the ocean and marine life dealing with
pollution and also learning about President’s Day. In New Business, the board voted to approve the 2025/26
Calendar. They also approved amending the 2024/25 School Calendar, with all
snow days exhausted and the last day of school set for May 29 with 12:02pm
dismissal. Members approved High School Graduation on Friday, May 9th
and Eighth Grade Promotion on Tuesday May 13. The board accepted the
resignation of Brooke Hustedde as paraprofessional. They also approved the
annual retainer for legal services for the district with the firm Robbins
Schwartz. Members then talked about the possibility of adding
additional sports at Clay City Schools. Supt. Neubaum said it doesn’t really
matter how many students will participate. The major stumbling block is
finding teams for local teams to play. He noted schedules for next year’s
sports are already on the books. He suggested the best way to determine a path
forward is to seek admission to the Midland Trail Conference. They will meet
in March and consider Clay City’s request to join the conference. He suggested
the most likely additions would be Boys’ Basketball and Girls’ Volleyball and
someone else suggested Cross Country, which is available to both male and
female students. The board then moved into closed session the results of
which were not immediately available.