Board of Trustees of the Illinois Eastern Community College District met
Tuesday at Lincoln Trail College, Robinson. The
Board approved the purchase of a new scoreboard for the softball field at
Wabash Valley College. A three-year agreement with eCampus
as the exclusive provider of textbooks and course materials for IECC.
This contract is the result of eighteen months of exploration from IECC’s
Business Operation division. In
personnel moves, changes in employment status were approved for Angelique
Maguire from Director, Adult Education to Program Director, Adult Education
effective February 24th; Darrell Handelsman from Interim
Head Baseball Coach, OCC to Head Baseball Coach, OCC effective February
24th. Due
to low program enrollment, the Board approved a resolution discontinuing five
career and technical education programs which resulted in the honorable
discharge of the following faculty members: Jay Carter, Lonnie Barnes, Jane
McCormick, Tyler Boyles, and Brian Wick. Retirement
ratifications were approved for Jim Glash as Head
Men’s Basketball Coach, OCC effective July 3rd; Debra Weidwilt as Program Assistant, Mining & Business
Industry effective May 31st; and Timothy Zimmer as Director of
Instructional Services, WVC effective February 24th. The
Board approved the authorization for Dr. Gower to continue to work with legal
counsel for the resolution of ongoing litigation. The next regular
meeting of the Board of Trustees will be Tuesday, March 18th at 6:15
pm at Olney Central College.