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The Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District is holding its spring fish sale on Thursday, March 13th.  The deadline to order grass carp is February 27th.  The deadline to order all other fish is noon on March 6th.

Available fish include Channel Catfish, Largemouth Bass, Hybrid Sunfish, Bluegill, Redear, Black Crappie, Fathead Minnows and Grass Carp.

The Soil and Water Conservation District is also taking orders for its spring tree sale.  They have a nice selection of evergreens and hardwoods to choose from.  Orders will be taken until March 25th or until supplies last.  Delivery of trees will take place during the week of April 1st.

Available trees include White Pine, Blue Spruce, Norway Spruce, Red Maple, Tulip Poplar, Pecan, Red Oak and White Oak.

To place your order for fish or trees please contact the Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District at 618842-7602 ext. 3.