BF Flora
City Council members met last night with Engineer Matt Johnson of Fehr Graham
Engineering, apprising them on plans for a new wastewater treatment plant. Johnson
reported Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) has asked for some
changes. Johnson told the council he thinks there should be some decisions
made this summer. City Administrator/Economic Development Director Mike
Stanford received approval for two ordinances. One was approving an amendment
to Fehr Graham Agreement and the second was an amendment amending an agreement
between the City of Flora and Fehr Graham Engineering. April
Carruthers from the Clay County Health Department received approval to use the
Library Park on April 24th, for a Child Abuse Prevention Month
Event. She also received approval to use the REA Building in Charley Brown
Park on May 8th, for a Spring Resource Carnival and on October 9th,
for a Fall Resource Carnival, trick or treat street event. Stephen
Smith from Flora Tourism, received approval to use the Library Park and City
Hall parking lot on May 3rd for a Spring Fest and for the Charley
Brown Park, 4th of July celebration. Under
the consent agenda two more approvals were made to use Charley Brown Park on
May 20th, Flora Elementary School accelerated reading celebration
and May 9th, and Clay County Extension to use the park for
Conservation Day, requested by Megan Pierson. In
council member Jeremy Henderson’s absence, Administrator Mike Stanford received
approval for an amendment and extension of the waste disposal contract with
Public Services of Indiana, LP, for a five-year contract with three percent
increase yearly. Stanford
also received approval for the following ordinances in the absence of
Superintendent of Public Services Toby Rinehart. The first was awarding a bid
to Visu-Sewer of Missouri, LLC for relining sewer lines on Seminary St,
$227,840, paid for by a grant and the second was awarding a bid to contract
Kieffer Bros. Construction, LLC, for replacing sewer lines in the Olive Street
and Birchwood areas, $1,374,716.74, paid for by a grant the city received. Building
and Zoning Official Chad Bayles received approval for a resolution declaring
the Donald Persinger, Jr., real estate as unsafe and dangerous. An ordinance
was also approved for selling the real estate at 715 W. 4th Street,
421 E. 3rd Street and 203 E. 8th Street.