Listing Nr:
Item type: Hay    Price:
Description: For Sale toxic free endophyte mixed grass hay in small square bales, average wight 70 lbs. Mostly for horses $5.00 a bale. Bale basket for behind a small square baler to eliminate a wagon or ground, $2,450. Complete set cattle feeder with loading & electric motors of a 50 foot auger through feeder system $3,350. Call 618-752-5931.
Contact: Jerry
Phone: 618-752-5931

Listing Nr:
Item type: Grass hay    Price: $5
Description: Grass square bales, mostly fescue and orchard grass pasture mix $5. Large round bales 5x6, net wrapped stored outside $60. Only have 150 square bales left and maybe 20 rounds.
Contact: Aaron
Phone: 6188432660